Aspenia 45/46 / 2009 : The ends of history 89-09; from hope to fear: the long two decades of democracy and illiberalism of capitalism and crises

Aspenia 45/46 / 2009, 2009
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Medienart Zeitschrift
Beteiligte Personen Annunziata, Lucia [Ed.] Wikipedia
Beteiligte Personen Dassù, Marta [Ed.] Wikipedia
Systematik WP - Weltpolitik
Verlag Aspen Institute Italia
Ort Roma
Jahr 2009
Umfang 204 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Heft 45/46
Zählung 45/46 / 2009
Reihe Aspenia
Verfasserangabe Marta Dassù ; Lucia Annunziata
Sprache englisch
Exemplare Standort
53391 WP, 4980
Unselbstständige Werke Dassu, Marta - Amato: the thread of history
Vanden-Heuvel, Katrina - Gorbachev: from the other side of the wall
Einaudi, Luca - 1989 - 2009
Jean, Carlo - The long two decades
La Malfa, Giorgio - Lessons from Dahrendorf, European thinker
Lukyanov, Fyodor - Moscow's disillusionment
Siedentop, Larry - Where does europe stand now?
Krastev, Ivan - Farewell to central europe
Carpenter, Ted Galen - China's "peaceful rise"
Romano, Sergio - Afghanistan, from the USSR to the USA
Thaker, Pratibha - The democracy wave in Africa
Raineri, Daniele - Progress in Iraq
Perthes, Volker - Legitimacy and ffectiveness in the use of military force
Critchley, Simon - Politics and original sin
Bettiza, Gregorio - Liberalism
Mead, Walter Russell - The crisis in perspective
State capitalism
Toscano, Roberto - Sovereignty and sovereignism
Preble, Christopher A. - The merits of restraint
Markovits, Andrei S. - Obamamania and anti-Americanism
Krastev, Ivan - Dangerous analogies
Akcali, Emel - The Turkey debate
Brackman, Harold - Anti-Semitism, old and new
Calabro, Antonio - Joseph Nye's powers to lead
Dews, Carlos - Obama and to kill a mockingbird


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