The politics of change in Palestine : state-building and non-violent resistance

Bröning, Michael, 2011
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-0-7453-3093-8
Verfasser Bröning, Michael Wikipedia
Systematik WP - Weltpolitik
Schlagworte politics, nonviolence, palestine, nonviolent resistance, statebuilding, hamas, fatah
Verlag Pluto Press
Ort London [u.a.]
Jahr 2011
Umfang XII, 247 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Auflage 1. publ.
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Michael Bröning
Annotation This book contradicts the dominant myth that incompetent, corrupt, and underconpromising Palestinian decision-makers are responsible for the lasting stalemate in the Middle East peace process. It highlights recent political developments in Palestine that fundamentally redefine important parameters of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Contrary to public perception, new political trends in the Palestinian Territories bolster prospects for the realisation of Palestinian national aspirations. ...
Exemplare Standort
56725 WP, 5078


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