Channels of resistance in Lebanon : liberation propaganda, Hezbollah and the media

Harb, Zahera, 2011
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-1-84885-121-4
Verfasser Harb, Zahera Wikipedia
Systematik WP - Weltpolitik
Schlagworte media, history, resistance, propaganda, 20th century, mass media, middle east conflict, television, lebanon, 1990-, hezbollah, propaganda, anti-Iisraeli
Verlag Tauris
Ort London [u.a.]
Jahr 2011
Umfang 279 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Zahera Harb
Annotation Summary:
On May 25, 2000 Israeli occupation forces withdrew from South Lebanon after 22 years of occupation. The Lebanese media's role in achieving liberation over this period is significant, through campaigns conducted to unify the Lebanese people against their foreign occupier and in support of the Lebanese resistance in South Lebanon. This book investigates the culture and performance of Lebanese journalism in this setting. Channels of Resistance in Lebanon is a story about journalism told by a journalist who is also using tools of scholarship and research to narrate her story and the story of her fellow journalists. Zahera Harb is also presenting here an alternative interpretation of propaganda under conditions of foreign occupation and the struggle against that occupation. She identifies the characteristics of "liberation propaganda" through the coverage and experience of the two Lebanese TV stations Tele Liban and Al Manar within the historical, cultural, organizational and religious contexts in which they operated, and how these elements shaped their professional practice and their news values.
Exemplare Standort
56867 WP, 5159


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