Peace movements worldwide : peace efforts that work and why

Peace movements worldwide, 2011
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-0-313-36478-5
Beteiligte Personen Pilisuk, Marc [Ed.] Wikipedia
Beteiligte Personen Nagler, Michael N. [Ed.] Wikipedia
Systematik A - Nachschlagewerke
Schlagworte history, peace movements
Verlag Praeger
Ort Westport, Conn. [u.a.]
Jahr 2011
Umfang 412 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Band 3
Reihe Contemporary Psychology
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe ed. by Marc Pilisuk ; Michael N. Nagler
Exemplare Standort
57689 A
Unselbstständige Werke Boulding, Elise, 1920-2010 - New understandings of citizenship: Path to a peaceful future?
Brand-Jacobsen, Kai Frithjof - Peace building: Twelve dynamics
Barlow, Maude - Our water commons: Toward a new freshwater narrative
Toffolo, Cris - Beyond the Leviathan? The historical relationship between peace plans, international law, and the early Anglo-American peace movement
Glossop, Ronald J. - The good news: The ICC and the R2P principle
Falk, Richard - Toward a necessary utopianism: Democratic global governance
Lozano, Elizabeth - I am th leader, you are the leader: Nonviolent resistance in the peace community of San José de Apartadó, Colombia
Carter, Candice C. - Peace building education: Responding to contexts
Phillips, Peter - Inside the military media industrial complex: Impacts on movements for peace and social justice
Temple, Deva - Rennaissance 2.0: The Web's potential for the peaceful transformation of modern society
Broz, Svetlana - Building the peace by examples of civil courage during the war
McCarthy, Colman - Peace can be taught
Baumann, Marcel M. - When violence "works" for 30 years: The late return of Satyagraha to the Northern Irish peace process
Bernstein, Laura - Hands of peace: From Epiphany to reality
Nagler, Michael N. - The movement toward peace in crisis and opportunity
Hawken, Paul - The remake the world
Marks, John - Search for common ground
Slachmuijlder, Lena - Setting the stage for peace: Participatory theater for conflict transformation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Butigan, Ken - The pledge of resistance: lessons from a movement of solidarity and nonviolent direct action
Tirado, Jose M. - Money cannot be eaten: Nonviolent resistance in struggles over land and economic survival
Rountree, Jennifer Achord - Searching for development with human dignity in Guatemala
Nagler, Michael N. - On mediation
Macy, Joanna - Despair work
Deats, Richard - Experimenting with nonviolence: From West Texas to South Korea
Thomas, Calude AnShin - Trained to hate: Confessions of a convert to humanity
Lerner, Rabbi Michael - Searching for peace in the peace movement: A lover's quarrel
Larrow-Roberts, Nikolas - Breaking out of the culture of violence: An oral history with former economic hit man, John Perkins
Pilisuk, Marc - Inspiring peace workers
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