The ecological revolution : making peace with the planet

Foster, John Bellamy, 2009
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-1-58367-179-5
Verfasser Foster, John Bellamy Wikipedia
Systematik PS - Politische Soziologie
Schlagworte Marx, Karl 1818-1883, ecology, revolution, human ecology, environmentalism, environmental consciousness
Verlag Monthly Review Press
Ort New York, NY
Jahr 2009
Umfang 328 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe John Bellamy Foster
Annotation Summary:

Editor of the Monthly Review, Foster (sociology, U. of Oregon) argues that all hope for the future in human relation to the earth is either revolutionary or false. He demonstrates that the root causes of the environmental crisis lie in the capitalist mode of production, so that environmental devastation is merely a symptom of the larger economic crisis. His topics include Rachel Carson's ecological critique, peak oil and energy imperialism, the Pentagon and climate change, Marx's ecology in historical perspective, the nature of the contradiction between capitalism and ecology, envisioning ecological revolution, and ecology and the transition from capitalism to socialism. Annotation ©2009 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (
Introduction. The Ecological Revolution -- Pt. 1. The Planetary Crisis -- 1. The Ecology of Destruction -- 2. Ecology: The Moment of Truth -- 3. Rachel Carson's Ecological Critique -- 4. Peak Oil and Energy Imperialism -- 5. The Pentagon and Climate Change -- 6. The Jevons Paradox: Environment and Technology under Capitalism -- 7. A Planetary Defeat: The Failure of Global Environmental Reform -- Pt. 2. Marx's Ecology -- 8. Marx's Ecology in Historical Perspective -- 9. Marx's Theory of Metabolic Rift: Classical Foundations for Environmental Sociology -- 10. Capitalism and Ecology:The Nature of the Contradiction -- 11. The Communist Manifesto and the Environment -- 12. Ecological Imperialism: The Curse of Capitalism -- Pt. 3. Ecology and Revolution -- 13. Envisioning Ecological Revolution -- 14. Ecology and the Transition from Capitalism to Socialism.
Exemplare Standort
58455 PS, 3735


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