The dark Sahara : America's war on terror in Africa

Keenan, Jeremy, 2009
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-0-7453-2452-4
Verfasser Keenan, Jeremy Wikipedia
Systematik MSP - MilitärSicherheitsPolitik
Schlagworte united states, africa, war on terrorism, 2001-
Verlag Pluto Press
Ort London
Jahr 2009
Umfang 278 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Jeremy Keenan
Annotation This book reveals the secret US agnda behind the "war on terror" in Africa and the shoking methods used to perpetuate the myth that the region is a hot-bed of Islamic terrorism Africa expert Jeremy Keenan points to overwhelming evidence suggesting that, from 2003, the Bush administration and Algerian government were responsible for hostage taking s blamed on Islamic militants. This created a permissive public attitude, allowing the US to establish military bases in the region and pursue multipe imperial obejectives in the name of security. ...
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59198 MSP, 3853


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