Strategic survey 2012 : The annual review of world affairs

The International Institute for Strategic Studies , 2012
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-1-85743-653-2
Beteiligte Personen The International Institute for Strategic Studies Wikipedia
Systematik MSP - MilitärSicherheitsPolitik
Schlagworte africa, iran, economic sanctions (international law), defence policy, intelligence agencies, arab uprising <2011>, cyber world
Verlag Routledge
Ort Abingdon [u.a.]
Jahr 2012
Umfang 416 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe The International Institute for Strategic Studies - IISS
Annotation The year to mid-2012 was dominated by transitions. Changes were under way most obviously in the Arab world after the revolutionary wave of 2011, and in the surrounding region where traditional relationships and balances had been upset. Across the world, conflicting interests were jockeying to secure their objectives in a shifting landscape. This was true in Europe, which struggled to find a path through economic and financial problems, in Russia after the re-election of Vladimir Putin, and in China where a leadership transfer was also under way. The United States remained in transition between an interventionist and a new role, yet to take full shape.
... covers all the events and themes of the year region by region, and includes special essays on important policy issues: the implications of the cyber world for intelligence agencies; building cooperation in African defence; and the effectiviness of economic sanctions on Iran. A Strategic geopgraphy section provides vital data in map form on key issues such as the rise of Asia, the civil war in Syria and America's campaign of drone strikes. ...
Exemplare Standort
59540 MSP, 3878


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