The Middle East peace process and the EU : foreign policy and security strategy in international politics

Kaya, Taylan Özgür, 2013
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-1-84885-982-1
Verfasser Kaya, Taylan Özgür Wikipedia
Systematik MSP - MilitärSicherheitsPolitik
Schlagworte foreign policy, middle east, international politics, peacebuilding, peace process, international cooperation, european union - eu, 1979-, security strategy, politics and government
Verlag I.B. Tauris
Ort London [u.a.]
Jahr 2013
Umfang XIII, 266 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Reihe Library of European Studies
Reihenvermerk 20
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Taylan Özgür Kaya
Annotation Summary:

In the post-9/11 era, the EU has attempted to shape itself into, and certainly has aspirations of being, a key foreign and security policy actor in international politics. Here, Taylan Özgür Kaya looks at how this is enacted, with particular reference to the EU's role in the Middle East Peace Process. Expanding its political, diplomatic, economic and security role in the region, the EU, whilst still being the junior partner to the US, has increasingly played a more conspicuous rolein the attempts to resolve (or at least mediate) conflict in the Middle East. Bearing this in mind, Kaya examines to what extent the EU manages to live up to its self-image as a key player in conflict resolution and crisis management in the region and beyond. With the future of the EU ever more in the spotlight, this book will appeal both to researchers of the Peace Process and to policy-makers in the EU.

Table of Contents:
Terms of Use
Theoretical Framework for Analysis
The EU's Foreign and Security Policy Rose Conceptions
A Historical Overview of the EC/EU's Involvement in the Arab-Israeli Conflict and the MEPP in the Pre-9/11 Era
Analysis of the Level of Congruity between the EU's Role Conceptions and Role Performance in the MEPP in the Post-9/11 Era
Exemplare Standort
31197 MSP, 3904


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