Transnational Organized Crime : Analyses of a global challenge to democracy

Transnational Organized Crime, 2013
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-3-8376-2495-3
Beteiligte Personen Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung [Ed.] Wikipedia
Beteiligte Personen Schönenberg, Regine [Ed.] Wikipedia
Systematik MSP - MilitärSicherheitsPolitik
Schlagworte globalization, international crime, organized crime, transnational organized crime
Verlag Transcript
Ort Bielefeld
Jahr 2013
Umfang 308 S.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Reihe Edition Politik
Reihenvermerk 17
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung ; Regine Schönenberg
Annotation Angaben aus der Verlagsmeldung:

Transnational organized crime has become fatal for more and more people - and for democracy. Organized crime is an inherent feature of economic globalization, and there are networks operating in both legal and illegal sectors. Currently, few experts can claim to have comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the laws and regulations governing the international flow of trade.
This book offers contributions from 12 countries around the world authored by experts from a wide range of academic disciplines, representatives from civil society organizations and private industry, journalists, politicians, as well as activists. So, this publication gives a cross cultural and multi-disciplinary analysis of transnational organized crime, including a historical approach from different regional and cultural contexts.
Transnational Issues of Organized Crime
1. Money Laundering: Motives, Methods, Impact, and countermeasures by Christine Jojarth
2. What Do a Tax Evader and a Money Launderer have in Common? The Role of Secrecy in the Financial Sector |
Interview with John Christensen
3. "People should not be punished for being honest!"
Interview with Stejfen Salvenmoser
4. Organized Crime in Cyberspace by Tatiana Tropina
5. Judicial and Social Conditions for the Containment of
Organized Crime: A Best Practice Account by Edgardo
III. Regional Perspectives
1. Introduction
2. Afghanistan
2.1 Two Sides of a Coin? Statebuilding and Transnational Organized Crime Networks in Afghanistan by Florian B. Kiihn
2.2 "Mired in Deception" Narcotics and Politics in Afghanistan
by Christoph Reuter
2.3 How to Fight Corruption in Afghanistan: A Community Project Example. Interview with Yama Torabi
3. India
3.1 Black Economy in India and Transnational Organized crime:
Undermining Democracy by Arun Kumar
4. West Africa
4.1 Organized and Transnational Crime in West Africa by
Etannibi E. O. Alemika
5. South Africa
5.1 From Apartheid to 2020: The Evolution of Organized Criminal Networks in South Africa - Interview with Charles
6. Mexico
6.1 Social and Economic Damage Caused by the War Against
Drugs in Mexico by José Reveles
6.2 Extortion in Everyday in Mexico by Marco Lara Klahr
6.3 Civil Society's Strategies to Confront Growing Insecurity
and Violence in Mexico by Ingrid Spiller
7. Brazil
7.1 Violence and Organized Crime in Brazil: The Case of
"Militias" in Rio de Janeiro by Ignacio Cano
7.2 Roots of Organized Crime in the Amazon by Regine Schönenberg
7.3 If the MPF Would Not Go For It, Who Will? Interview with
Aurelio Veiga Rios
7.4 Unholy Alliances or Creative Socio-Environmental approaches Point Out New Ways toward Local Harm Reduction
by Wolfgang Hees
8. The Balkans
8.1 A "BlackHole" in Europe? The Social and Discursive Reality
of Crime in Bosnia-Herzegovina and the International Community's Tacit Complicity by Berit Blie
Trafficking organs, tissues, and Cells is Sometimes Part of
Human Trafficking - Interview with Ivana Mcllwiane
9. European Union
9.1 Organized Crime and Corruption — National and European
Perspectives by Wolfgang Hetzer
9.2 Transnational Organized crime and European Union: Aspects and Problems by Vincenzo Militello
10. Italy
10.1 Civil Society's Role in the Fight Against the 'Ndrangheta
by Claudio La Camera
10.2 An Alternative Method to Combat the Mafia: Confiscation
of Criminal Assets by Lorenzo Bodrero
11. Germany
11.1 The Mafia and Organized Crime in Germany by Jurgen
IV. Outlook
Exemplare Standort
29825 MSP, 3922


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