Routledge handbook of African security

Hentz, James J., 2013
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-0-415-68214-5
Verfasser Hentz, James J. Wikipedia
Systematik MSP - MilitärSicherheitsPolitik
Schlagworte security, china, france, security policy, conflict, regional, united states, conflict, national security, africa, foreign relations, united nations - un, 21st century, peacekeeping, resources, security, international, regionalism, european union - eu, arab countries, handbook, southern africa development community - sadc, regional cooperation, security sector reform - ssr, african union - au, 2003-, humanitarian aid, counterterrorism, public safety
Verlag Boulder
Ort London
Jahr 2013
Umfang 368 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe James J. Hentz
Illustrationsang Ill.
Annotation This new Handbook examines the issues, challenges, and debates surrounding the problem of security in Africa.

Africa is home to most of the world's current conflicts, and security is a key issue. However, African security can only be understood by employing different levels of analysis: the individual (human security), the state (national/state security), and the region (regional/international security). Each of these levels provides analytical tools for understanding what could be called the "African security predicament" and these debates are animated by the "new security" issues: immigration, small arms transfers, gangs and domestic crime, HIV/AIDS, transnational crime, poverty, and environmental degradation. African security therefore not only presents concrete challenges for international security but provides a real-world context for challenging conventional conceptions of security.

Drawing together contributions from a wide range of key thinkers in the field, the Routledge Handbook of African Security engages with these debates, and is organized into four parts:

Part I: The African security predicament in the twenty-first century;

Part II: Understanding conflict in Africa;

Part III: Regionalism and Africa;

Part IV: External influences.

This Handbook will be of great interest to students of African politics, human security, global security, war and conflict studies, peacebuilding, and IR in general.
Exemplare Standort
30079 MSP, 3940


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