OSCE Yearbook 2013 : Yearbook on the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

OSCE Yearbook 2013, 2014
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-3-8487-1141-3
Beteiligte Personen Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy a Wikipedia
Systematik MSP - MilitärSicherheitsPolitik
Schlagworte european security, institutions, conflict prevention, structure, dispute settlement, osce, external relation
Verlag Nomos
Ort Baden-Baden
Jahr 2014
Umfang 364 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Auflage 1. Aufl
Reihe OSCE
Reihenvermerk 19
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy a
Annotation Im OSCE Yearbook 2013 befassen sich namhafte Experten und erfahrene Praktiker mit der größten Sicherheitsorganisation Europas, stellen ihre Tätigkeitsschwerpunkte vor und nehmen Stellung zu aktuellen Entwicklungen in ausgewählten OSZE-Teilnehmerstaaten. Schwerpunkte sind u.a. drei detailreiche Studien zu den russisch-amerikanischen Beziehungen, zum Ursprung und zum Wandel der euroatlantischen Sicherheitsordnung sowie zum aktuellen „Helsinki-+40“-Prozess sowie Länderanalysen zu Kasachstan und Armenien. Der Themenschwerpunkt ist in diesem Jahr transnationalen Bedrohungen gewidmet.

Das Jahrbuch enthält einen umfassenden Anhang mit Daten und Fakten zu den OSZE-Teilnehmerstaaten sowie eine aktuelle Literaturauswahl.

In englischer Sprache.

Yearbook on the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

The OSCE Yearbook is the only independent academic publication dedicated to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, its work, and the issues that concern it. The IFSH has published the OSCE Yearbook annually in English, German, and Russian since 1995.

Each year, the Yearbook contains a wealth of writing from experts and practitioners relating to all aspects of the OSCE and its work. Each volume opens with contributions that describe the current security situation in Europe, assessments of developments and prospects within the OSCE, and considerations of the interests and commitments of selected OSCE participating States.
Ex.nr. Standort
35361 MSP, 4017
Unselbstständige Werke Pesko, Marcel - The Helsinki +40 Process: A Chance to Assess the Relevance of the OSCE´s Comprehensive Secutrity Modl in the 21st Century
Mizin, Victor - Russian-US Relations: Beyond the Reset Policy
Rotfeld, Adam Daniel - A Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian Security Community: A New Role for the OSCE
Trachsler, Daniel - Switzerland´s OSCE Chairmanship in 2014: A Challenge and an Opportunity
Schmidt, Hans-Jochen - Armenia in 2013: Betwenn a Rock and a Hard Place
Schiek, Sebstian - Kazakhstan: Will Conservative Modernization Succeed?
Neukirch, Claus - Early Warning and Early Action - Current Developments in OSCE Conflict Prevention Activities
Mijatovic, Dunja - Internet Freedom - Past and Current Challenges
Zellner, Wolfgang - Transnational Threats and Challenges - An Emerging Key Focus of the Osce
Stodiek, Thorsten - The OSCE Strategic Framework for Police-Related Activities
Uhrig, Reinhard - OSCE Action against Terrorism: Consolidation, Continuity, and Future Focus
Makukha, Roman - Borders and Borderlands: Working across the Lines That Devide Us in Central Asia
Ellebrecht, Sabrina - The European Boder Surveillance System EUROSUR: The Computerization, Standardization, and Virtualization of Border Management in Europe
Tudyka, Kurt P. - The OSCE´s Fianl Frontier
Cogan, Frank - Ireland´s 2012 Chairmanship of the OSCE
Zellner, Wolfgang - The OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions: Baby Steps
Burton, Cathie - OSCE Public Diplomacy - From Communiqués to Cyberspace
Illa, Arantzazu Pagoaga Ruiz de la - OSCE Engagement with Afghanistan: Recent Development, Opportunities, and Challenges
Youssef, Hesham - Mediation and Conflict Resolution in the Arab World: The Role of the Arab League


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