Mediation and Dialogue Facilitation in the OSCE : Reference Guide

Mediation and Dialogue Facilitation in the OSCE, 2014
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Medienart Buch
Systematik Internet - Internet
Schlagworte mediation, osce
Verlag OSCE
Jahr 2014
Umfang 110 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Annotation Introduction
As the world’s largest regional security organization, the OSCE possess - es longstanding experience in facilitating political dialogue and engaging in mediation activities with the aim of preventing, managing or resolving conflicts. Already in the 1975
Helsinki Final Act participating States committed themselves to the peaceful settlement of conflicts and to the use of such means as negotiation, mediation, conciliation, arbitration and judicial settlement. The 1992 Helsinki Document further strengthened OSCE structures and enhanced the OSCE’s role with wide-ranging provisions on early warning, conflict prevention, crisis management and conflict resolution.
Today, mediation is widely recognized as one of the most
effective means for the prevention, management and resolution of conflicts both in terms of costs and results. Faced with the emergence of new conflicts and the persistence of protracted conflicts, international and regional organizations resolved to strengthen their capabilities for effective mediation and
dialogue facilitation. In this context, it has been recognized that both mediation and dialogue facilitation need to be approached as a professional activity requiring specialized knowledge, expertise, and operational guidance, as well as sustained political, financial and administrative support.
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