How to prevent human trafficking for domestic servitude in diplomatic households and protect private domestic workers : Handbook

Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordina, 2014
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-92-9234-448-1
Systematik Internet - Internet
Schlagworte osce, human trafficking
Verlag OSCE Secretariat
Ort Vienna
Jahr 2014
Umfang 65 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator or Combating Trafficking in Human Beings
Annotation The aim of this handbook is to raise awareness of how host states can regulate and monitor the employment conditions of private domestic workers in diplomatic households. It highlights how protocol departments and similar authorities can prevent exploitation or abuse and what can be done if it occurs. Finding effective responses is a challenge for many countries. Switzerland, like Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, the United States and other host states of international organizations
and foreign missions, started to introduce preventive measures some time ago. The need to prevent and respond to employment disputes and to address grievances of private domestic workers, however, has been recognized in other countries too.
Indeed, this is an issue which can be much better addressed together and which should be a priority for the international community. It is time to respond to this challenge, to strengthen the reputation of the international community in this respect,
and to promote shared values across the OSCE region.
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