The global village myth : Distance, war and the limits of power

Porter, Patrick, 2015
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-1-84904-544-5
Verfasser Porter, Patrick Wikipedia
Systematik MSP - MilitärSicherheitsPolitik
Schlagworte war, military strategy, military technology, globalization, information technology, geopolitics, al qaeda, cyber, drones, netwar
Verlag Hurst & Company
Ort London
Jahr 2015
Umfang 243 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Patrick Porter
Annotation Does technology kill distance? Does the 'globalisation' of the world make the US and its allies vulnerable to violence, terrorism or cyber-assault? 'Globalism'-- the belief that changes in information, transport and communications are dangerously shrinking the world -- is a reigning assumption amongst security elites. It makes the United States and its allies feel perpetually insecure, haunted by rumours of chain reactions and the domino effect. At the same time, the vision of instant and borderless warfare can be seductive, making Westerners believe they must strike first, with new powers to tame a chaotic world. Under the shadow of Globalism, disastrous wars are fought, civil liberties are threatened and hysteria replaces sober debate about foreign policy. In The Global Village Myth, Patrick Porter demonstrates through studies of Al-Qaeda's global terror network, military tensions in the Taiwan Strait, drones and cyberwar, that Globalism is wildly overstated. Technology may accelerate movement and compress physical space. But it does not necessarily shrink strategic space, the ability to project power affordably across the earth.If distance is created by humans exploiting technology and terrain, the world in important ways is getting larger, not smaller. This makes us less powerful, but more secure, than we think. Porter offers an alternative outlook to lead policymakers toward more sensible responses and a wiser, more sustainable, grand strategy.
Exemplare Standort
32159 MSP, 4069


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