Journal of Conflict Resolution 2016 / 04, 60. Jg. : Journal of the Peace Science Society (International); Special issue: Drug violence in Mexico

Journal of Conflict Resolution 2016 / 04, 60. Jg.,
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Exemplare gesamt 1
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Medienart Zeitschrift
ISBN 0022-0027
Systematik Dok - Dok
Verlag SAGE
Ort Thousand Oaks [u.a.]
Altersbeschränkung keine
Verfasserangabe .
Sprache englisch
Exemplare Standort
38944 Dok, Jou
Unselbstständige Werke Harkness, Kristen A. - The ethnic army and the state: Explaining coup traps and the difficulties of democratization in africa
Dowd, Robert A. - Religious diversity and religious tolerance: Lessons from Nigeria
Wright, Thorin M. - Unpacking territorial disputes: domestic political influences and war
Xiao, Erte - Punishment and cooperation in stochastic social dilemmas
Aidt, Toke S. - The democratic window of opportunity: Evidence from riots in Sub-Saharan Africa
Baele, Stephane J. - Theorizing and measuring emotions in conflict: The case of the 2011 Palestinian statehood bid
Windt, Peter van der - Crowdseeding in eastern Congo: using cell phones to collect conflict events data in real time


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