Transrational Resonances : Echoes to the Many Peaces

Transrational Resonances, 2018
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Exemplare gesamt 1
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-3-319-70615-3
Beteiligte Personen Ingruber, Daniela [Ed.] Wikipedia
Beteiligte Personen Koppensteiner, Norbert [Ed.] Wikipedia
Beteiligte Personen Echavarría Alvarez, Josefina [Ed.] Wikipedia
Systematik HA - Handapparat Dr. Wilfried Graf
Schlagworte peace, conflict, peace research, military, peace studies, conflict transformation, Dietrich, Wolfgang, unesco, peace studies programme, post-positivism, resonance, Transrationalism, Peace Philosophy, transrational peace, Many peaces, hegemonic masculinity
Verlag Springer International Publishing
Ort Cham
Jahr 2018
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Josefina Echavarría Alvarez ; Norbert Koppensteiner ; Daniela Ingruber
Illustrationsang Ill.
Annotation Angaben aus der Verlagsmeldung

Transrational Resonances : Echoes to the Many Peaces

This book comprehensively gathers the current academic literature, field expertise and artistic developments on Wolfgang Dietrichs Many Peaces theory, in the ways it has been conceptualized and practiced by peace and conflict workers around the world. Both scholars and practitioners challenge and creatively explore the field of transrational peace philosophy, contributing their insights on elicitive methods and conflict mapping. The book is further enriched by artistic perspectives on integrative approaches to theatre for living and intercultural soundscapes.
The articles collected here respond with innovative strength and vigor to the worldwide need for further research on peace and for practical approaches to conflict transformation. This book therefore equally appeals to scholars, peacebuilders and practitioners as well as artists engaged in conflict transformation.
Exemplare Standort
49620 HA, FS 3036


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