past can't heal us : the dangers of mandating memory in the name of human rights

David, Lea, 2020
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-1-108-49518-9
Verfasser David, Lea Wikipedia
Systematik FS - Friedensstudien
Schlagworte israel, moral, human rights, ideology, palestine, corruption, agenda, inequality, study, investigation, leads
Verlag Cambridge University Press,
Ort Cambridge, United Kingdom ;
Jahr 2020
Umfang 243 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Lea David
Annotation Lea David goes against the well-embedded belief that 'proper' remembrance leads to a better appreciation of human rights values, helping us to understand how the human rights memorialization agenda developed globally and why it often ends up strengthening nationalist sentiment and shaping social inequalities on the ground.
In this innovative study, Lea David critically investigates the relationship between human rights and memory, suggesting that, instead of understanding human rights in a normative fashion, human rights should be treated as an ideology. Conceptualizing human rights as an ideology gives us useful theoretical and methodological tools to recognize the real impact human rights has on the ground. David traces the rise of the global phenomenon that is the human rights memorialization agenda, termed 'Moral Remembrance', and explores what happens once this agenda becomes implemented. Based on evidence from the Western Balkans and Israel/Palestine, she argues that the human rights memorialization agenda does not lead to a better appreciation of human rights but, contrary to what would be expected, it merely serves to strengthen national sentiments, divisions and animosities along ethnic lines, and leads to the new forms of societal inequalities that are closely connected to different forms of corruptions.
Exemplare Standort
1234 FS, 3093


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