Controlling East-West trade and technology transfer : Power, politics and policies

Controlling East-West trade and technology transfe, 1988
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Exemplare gesamt 1
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-0-8223-0843-0
Beteiligte Personen Bertsch, Gary K. [Darst.] Wikipedia
Systematik WP - Weltpolitik
Schlagworte east west conflict, technology, economy, trade
Verlag Duke University Press
Ort Durham
Jahr 1988
Umfang 506 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Exemplare Standort
32294 WP, 1047
Unselbstständige Werke Bertsch, Gary K. - The executive, congress, and the interest groups in U.S. export control policy: The national organization of power
Bertsch, Gary K. - The distribution of power and the U.S. politics of East-West Energy Trade Control
Bertsch, Gary K. - The Distribution of Power and the Inter-agency Politics of Licensing East-West High-Technologie Trade
Bertsch, Gary K. - Controlling East-West Trade in Japan
Bertsch, Gary K. - East-West trade and export controls: The West German perspective
Bertsch, Gary K. - Controlling East-West trade in France
Bertsch, Gary K. - Controlling East-West Trade in Britain: Power, Politics, and Policy
Bertsch, Gary K. - The Mangement of Alliance Export Control Policy: American Leadership and the Politics of COCOM
Bertsch, Gary K. - Western Control of East-West trade Finance: The Role of U.S. Power and the International Regime
Bertsch, Gary K. - The Western Alliance and East-West Trade
Bertsch, Gary K. - Changing perspectives toward the Normalizationof East-West Commerce
Bertsch, Gary K. - East-West economic relations, export controls, and strains in the alliance
Bertsch, Gary K. - Export Controls and Free Trade: Squaring the Circle in COCOM
Bertsch, Gary K. - COCOM: An Appraisal of Objectives and Needed Reforms


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