Breakthrough : Emerging new thinking. Soviet and Western scholars issue a challenge to build a world beyond war

Breakthrough, 1988
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-0-8027-1015-4
Systematik MSP - MilitärSicherheitsPolitik
Schlagworte soviet union, united states, science, europe, western
Verlag Walker and Company
Ort New York
Jahr 1988
Umfang 281 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Exemplare Standort
21056 MSP, 943
Unselbstständige Werke Bracken, Paul - Instabilities in the control of nuclear forces
Borning, Alan - Computer system reliability and nuclear war
Sennot, Linn I. - Overlapping False Alarm: Reason for Concern?
Raushenbakh, Boris V. - Computer War
Frankenhaeuser, Marianne - To err Is human: Nuclear war by mistake?
Kringlen, Einar - The Myth of Rationality in Situations of Crisis
Roshehin, Stanislav K. - Young people and nuclear war
Taylor, Theodore B. - Proliferation of nuclear weapons
Hellmann, Martin E. - Nuclear war: Inevitable or preventabel?
Roney, Richard T. - Beyond war: A new way of thinking
Richardson, John M. - Messages from global models about an interdependent world
Gromyko, Anatoly - Security for all in the nuklear age
Adamowitsch, Ales - Problems with the new way of thinking
Kortunov, Andrei - Realism and Morality in Politics
Boulding, Kenneth E. - Moving from unstable to stable peace
Nikitin, Alexander I. - The concept of universal security: A revolution of thinking and policy in the nuclear age
Melville, Andrei Y. - Nuclear revolution and the new way of thinking
Axelrod, Robert - The evolution of cooperation
Bekhtereva, Natalia P. - Dangers and Opportunities for Change from a Physoilogist's Point of View
Frank, Jerome D. - The Image of the Enemy and the Process of Change
Zamoshkin, Yuri A. - Nuclear disarmament: Ideal and reality
Kull, Steven - Nuclear reality: Resistance and adaption
Drell, Sidney - The impact of a US public constituency on arms control
Belchuk, Alexander - Restructuring of soviet society
Rogers, Everett M. - Diffusion of the idea of beyond war
Ageev, Vladimir S. - Similarity or diversity?
Burlatsky, Fyodor M. - New Thinking about Socialism


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