The new detente : Rethinking East-West relations

The new detente, 1989
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-0-86091-962-9
Systematik MSP - MilitärSicherheitsPolitik
Systematik WP - Weltpolitik
Schlagworte east west conflict
Verlag United Nations University Press
Ort Tokyo
Jahr 1989
Umfang 420
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Mary Kaldor
Exemplare Standort
32375 WP, 1126
Unselbstständige Werke Faber, Mient Jan - Detente in Europe
Podlesnyi, Pavel - Some lessons of the Soviet-American detente and bilateral cooperation of the 1970s
Jahn, Egbert - The role of goverments, social organizations and peace movements in the new German and European detente process
Sabata, Jaroslav - A new form of detente: For a relaxation of tension with a demokratic future
Falk, Richard A. - The superpowers and a sustainable detente for Europe
Muchie, Mammo - Soviet foreign policy under Gorbachev and revolution in the Third World: An ideological retreat or refinement?
Voigt, Karsten D. - The prospects for conventional stabilization in Europe
Köves, András - Problems and prospects of East-West economic co-operation: An Eastern European view
Wainwright, Hilary - The state and society: Reflections from a Western experience
Ryle, Martin - Ecology and the new detente
Rev, Istvan - The anti-ecological nature of centralization
Simecka, Milan - From class obsessions to dialoque: Detente and the changing political culture of Eastern Europe
Kagarlitskij, Boris - Perestroika: The dialectic of change
Gerle, Elisabeth - From anti-nuclearism to a new detente in the 1980s
Nakarada, Radmila - The democratic potential of the new detente
On detente: An interview with Adam Michnik
Migone, Gian Giacomo - The decline of the bipolar system, or a second look at the history of the Cold War
Holden, Gerard - The Soviet "new thinking" in security policy


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