International Social Science Journal 140 / 1994, 46. Jg.

International Social Science Journal 140 / 1994, 4, 1994
Verfügbar Ja (1) Titel ist in dieser Bibliothek verfügbar
Exemplare gesamt 1
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Medienart Zeitschrift
ISBN 0020-8701
Systematik Dok - Dok
Jahr 1994
Altersbeschränkung keine
Heft 140
Jahrgang 46
Zählung 140 / 1994, 46. Jg.
Sprache englisch
Exemplare Standort
4730 Dok
Unselbstständige Werke 2 Badie, Bertrand - Sociology of the state revisited
2 Keane, John - Nations, nationalism and citizens in Europe
2 Wnuk-Lipinski, Edmund - The vicissitudes of the market principle
2 Dimitrova, Dimitrina - Work, commitment and alienation
2 Széll, György - Technology, production, consumption and the environment
2 Sonntag, Heinz R. - The fortunes of development
2 Erinosho, Olayiwola - African welfare systems in perspective
2 Shreeniwas, Sudha - Population in its social context
2 Cipriani, Roberto - Religiosity, religious secularism and secular religions
2 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultura - The meaning of meaning in a post-meaning age


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