Journal of Refugee Studies

Journal of Refugee Studies, 1995
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Medienart Zeitschrift
ISBN 0951-6328
Systematik Dok - Dok
Jahr 1995
Altersbeschränkung keine
Heft 3
Jahrgang 8
Zählung 3 / 1995, 8. Jg.
Sprache englisch
Exemplare Standort
5136 Dok
Unselbstständige Werke Harrell-Bond, Barbara - Comments on "New directions to avoid hard problems"
3 Cernea, Michael M. - Understanding and preventing impoverishment from displacement: Reflections on the State of Knowledge
3 Ager, Alastair - The differential experience of Mozambican refugee women and men
3 Hathaway, James C. - New directions to avoid hard problems: The distortion of the palliative role of refugee protection
3 Blum, Carolyn Patty - Heeding the alarm: A reaffirmation of the principles of refugee protection
3 Chimni, B.S. - Globalization and refugee blues
3 Jaeger, Gilbert - A comment on the distortion of the palliative role of refugee protection
3 Alston, Philip - The downside of Post-Cold-War complexity: Comments on Hathaway
3 Monnier, Michel-Acatl - The hidden part of asylum-seekers´ interviews in Geneva, Switzerland: Some observations about the socio-political construction of interviews between gatekeepers and the powerless


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