Journal of Refugee Studies 01 / 1996, 9. Jg.

Journal of Refugee Studies 01 / 1996, 9. Jg., 1996
Verfügbar Ja (1) Titel ist in dieser Bibliothek verfügbar
Exemplare gesamt 1
Exemplare verliehen 0
Reservierungen 0Reservieren
Medienart Zeitschrift
ISBN 0951-6328
Systematik Dok - Dok
Jahr 1996
Altersbeschränkung keine
Heft 1
Jahrgang 9
Zählung 1 / 1996, 9. Jg.
Sprache englisch
Exemplare Standort
5138 Dok
Unselbstständige Werke 1 Shami, Seteney - Transnationalism and refugee studies: rethinking forced migration and identity in the Middle East
1 Lee, Luke T. - Internally displaced persons and refugees: toward a legal synthesis?
1 Shahidian, Hammed - Iranian exiles and sexual politics: Issues of gender relations and identity
1 Refugee Studies Programme, University of Oxford (R - A refugee protest action in a host country: Possibilities and limitations of an intervention by a Mental Health Unit
1 Habib, Naila - The search for home
1 McDowell, Chris - Resettlement and development: The bankwide review projects involving involuntary resettlement 1986-1993 (The World Bank)
1 Leopold, Mark - mitigating misery: an inquiry into the political and humanitarian aspects of US and global refugee policy
1 Cohen, Robin - Island Refuge: Britain and refugees from the Third Reich, 1933 - 1939
1 Hein, Jeremy - Changing lives of Rrefugees among women
1 Bennett, Jon - A guide to social analysis for projects in developing countries (Overseas Development Administration)
1 Rhodes, Sarah - The global refugee crisis: A reference handbook


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