Security Dialogue

Security Dialogue, 1996
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Exemplare gesamt 1
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Medienart Zeitschrift
ISBN 0967-0106
Systematik Dok - Dok
Jahr 1996
Altersbeschränkung keine
Heft 2
Jahrgang 27
Zählung 2 / 1996, 27. Jg.
Sprache englisch
Exemplare Standort
6657 Dok
Unselbstständige Werke 2 Kimche, David - The Arab-Israeli peace process
2 Shukri, Muhammad Aziz - The Arab-Israeli peace process
2 Khadduri, Walid - Oil and politics in the Middle East
2 McSweeney, Bill - Security, identity and the peace process in Northern Ireland
2 Smith, Dan - Security, identity and the peace process in Northern Ireland:
2 Ogunbanwo, Sola - The treaty of Pelindaba: Africa is nuclear-weapon-free
2 Westing, Arthur H. - The Eritrean-Yemeni conflict over the Hanish Archipelago
2 Andor, Laszlo - Economic transformation and political stability in East Central Europe


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