The Brown Journal of World Affairs

The Brown Journal of World Affairs, 1997
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Medienart Zeitschrift
ISBN 1080-0786
Systematik WP - Weltpolitik
Jahr 1997
Altersbeschränkung keine
Heft 2
Jahrgang 4
Zählung 2 / 1997, 4. Jg.
Sprache englisch
Exemplare Standort
34788 WP, 3511
Unselbstständige Werke Havel, Václav - The future of European history
Ury, William L. - Intervening to prevent state collapse
O´Hanlon, Michael - Political and military criteria for selective humanitarian intervention
Gregor, James A. - Arms transfers, military intervention, and the Taiwan mission
Anthony, Ian - Russian policy toward conventional arms transfers after the Cold War
Deng, Francis M. - Dilemmas of foreign assistance: Lessons from Sudan
Solana, Javier - A new alliance for a new era
Shifter, Michael - The challenge of multilateralism: Intervention and aid in the Americas
Frazer, Jendayi - The_African crisis response initiative: Self-interested humanitarianism
Wriggins, W. Howard - A sea change in South Asia?
Embree, Ainslie T. - A South Asian dilemma: The role of religion in the public sphere
Bose, Sugata - Modernity, nation, religion: The making of subcontinental predicament
Wulff, Donna M. - Hindu nationalism: A oxymoron
Singh, Karan - India at fifty
Tahir-Kheli, Shirin - U.S. interests in South Asia and Indo-Pak economic and security priorities
Hashim, Ahmed S. - The evolution of the Indo-Pakistan conventional military balance in the 1990s
Wolpert, Stanley - A golden opportunity for South Asia
Clark, Dana - Development and World Bank-induced displacement in South Asia
Geertz, Clifford - What is a_country if it is not a nation
Beelman, Maud - End-game Brcko: The_key to Bosnia`s future
Beres, Louis René - Law and politics in Israel: What terrorism means for the IDF Commander
Rasizade, Alec - Azerbaijan and the oil trade: Prospects and pitfalls


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