Journal of Democracy 02 / 2000, 11. Jg.

Journal of Democracy 02 / 2000, 11. Jg., 2000
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Exemplare gesamt 1
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Medienart Zeitschrift
ISBN 1045-5736
Systematik Dok - Dok
Jahr 2000
Altersbeschränkung keine
Heft 2
Jahrgang 11
Zählung 2 / 2000, 11. Jg.
Sprache englisch
Exemplare Standort
5047 Dok
Unselbstständige Werke Pharr, Susan J. - A quarter-century of declining confidence
Rose, Richard - The end of consensus in Austria and Switzerland
Lowenthal, Abraham F. - Latin America at the century's turn
Levitsky, Steven - The "normalization" of Argentine politics
Talavera, Arturo Fontaine - Chile's elections: The new face of the right
Garreton, Manuel Antonio - Chile's elections: Change and continuity
Cason, Jeffrey - Electoral reform and stability in Uruguay
Zweifel, Thomas D. - Democracy, dictatorship, and infant mortality
Rupnik, Jacques - Eastern Europe: The international context
Haggard, Stephan - The politics of the Asian financial crisis
Saxonberg, Steven - Women in East European parliaments


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