Millennium 03 / 2001, 30. Jg. : journal of international studies

Millennium 03 / 2001, 30. Jg., 2001
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Medienart Zeitschrift
ISBN 0305-8298
Systematik Dok - Dok
Verlag Pilgrim Press
Ort Cleveland
Jahr 2001
Altersbeschränkung keine
Heft 3
Jahrgang 30
Zählung 3 / 2001, 30. Jg.
Sprache englisch
Exemplare Standort
5503 Dok
Unselbstständige Werke Bleiker, Roland - The aesthetic turn in international political theory
Sylvester, Christine - Art, abstraction, and international relations
Oliver, Thaddeus - Techniques of abstraction
Smith, Anthony D. - Will and sacrifice: Images of national identity
Shapiro, Michael J. - Sounds of nationhood
Neumann, Iver B. - Grab a phaser, ambassador: Diplomacy in Star Trek
Brown, Chris - Special circumstances: Intervention by a liberal utopia
Lacy, Mark J. - Cinema and ecopolitics: Existence in the Jurassic Park
Weldes, Jutta - Globalisation is Science Fiction
Derian, James Der - Global events, national security, and virtual theory
Halliday, Fred - High and just proceedings: Notes towards an anthology of the cold war
Odysseos, Louiza - Laughing matters: Peace, democracy and the challenge of the comic narrative
Carruthers, Susan L. - Compulsory viewing: Concentration camp film and German re-education
Diken, Bülent - Postal economies of the orient
Constantinou, Costas M. - Hippopolis/Cynopolis


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