Peace Review 01 / 2006, 18. Jg. : a journal of social justice; Symposium: Human rights in the Americas

Peace Review 01 / 2006, 18. Jg.,
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Medienart Zeitschrift
ISBN 1040-2659
Systematik Dok - Dok
Schlagworte united states, latin america, human rights, north america
Verlag Taylor & Francis Group
Ort Abingdon
Umfang 177 p.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Verfasserangabe ed. by Michael Stanfield ; Allyn Nobles
Sprache englisch
Exemplare Standort
42809 Dok
Unselbstständige Werke Black, Jan Knippers - What the U.S. electorate might learn from Latin America
Vela, David - Terror through the eyes of Latin American novelists
Rampersad, Indira - Human rights groups and U.S. Cuban policy
Ramsey, Russell W. - When Fidel dies
Eccarius-Kelly, Vera - Guatemalan women's cooperatives and state neglect
Greenwood, Elizabeth - Constructing the Votán-Zapata narrative
Zuluaga, Felipe - Protecting indigenous rights in Colombia
Shatz, Howard J. - Job displacements and U.S.-Mexican economic integration
Gawronski, Vincent T. - "¿Cómo Están, Y'all?"
Malec, Danny - Transforming latino gang violence in the United States
Drachman, Edward - Access to higher education for undocumented students
Schelonka, greg - Mexican rock and the border under globalization
Yildirim, Yetkin - Peace and conflict resolution in the medina charter
Bowman, Jim - Seeing what's missing in memories of Cyprus
Davies, Nicolas J. S. - The trail from Downing Street to Washington
Quaranto, Peter J. - Ending the real nightmares of Northern Uganda
Butko, Thomas - Terrorism redefined
Ben-Meir, Alon - Lost perspectives
Krieger, David - Peace profile: Joseph Rotblat


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